
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kasih mereka padanya s.a.w

Air mata mengalir..melilih..hatiku sebak seketika. Ku letak seketika kitab sirah itu..lantas cepat-cepat tangan menyeka airmata di pipi.Sungguh agung kasih para Sahabatmu terhadapmu Ya Rasulullah.
(An outing to Harbour Town with Khali Ya)
Walau berkali-kali sudah kisah riwayat hidup baginda Rasulullah s.a.w ditatapi namun sirah tersebut seakan tak puas untuk ditatap buat kesekian kali lagi.

Terbayangkah kita andainya kita kehilangan seseorang yang amat kita kasihi dan sayangi. Atau paling kurang kita pernah melihat atau membaca kisah mereka yang kehilangan ibu,ayah,suami atau anak yang amat dicintai. Sudah tentu kejutan tersebut membuatkan mereka tercengang seakan tidak menyangka orang yang disayangi sudah tiada lagi. Atau barangkali kehidupan mereka menjadi tidak terurus untuk beberapa tempoh kerana masih tidak dapat menerima kenyataan sebuah kehilangan.

Keadaan ini tidak pelik bagi manusia yang mempunyai pertalian nasab dan darah..

Namun pemergian Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w menghadap Kekasihnya yang tercinta telah ditangisi oleh ribuan sahabat baginda s.a.w.Mereka tidak pernah mempunyai pertalian darah mahupun nasab dengan baginda. Sebahagiannya pernah menjadikan Rasulullah s.a.w musuh yang paling dibenci. Namun siapa sangka hadirnya hidayah,berakarnya iman dan berbunganya ukhuwwah telah membibitkan rasa cinta dan kasih yang mendalam terhadap baginda rasulullah s.a.w. Ternyata kasih para sahabat r.a terhadap baginda s.a.w terlalu agung melebihi kasih ibu terhadap anak dan mengatasi kasih anak terhadap ibu.Ingatkah kita tatkala Mus'ab Umayr berhadapan dengan kerenah ibunya yang tidak mahu menyentuh walau secebis makanan atau seteguk minuman lantaran kecewa di atas pilihan Islam anaknya.Ingatkah kita Zayd adduthanah pernah berkata tatkala disaat dia disiksa..orang musyriq pernah menawarkan pilihan kepadanya."Mahukah tempat engkau ini digantikan oleh Muhammad dan engkau akan kulepaskan bebas?" Zayd berkata "Demi Allah aku tidak sanggup melihat walau sebilah duri pun menikam Muhammad sedangkan aku bersenang-senang dengan keluargaku".

Nah inilah sebahagian bukti kasih dan cinta para sahabat r.a terhadap baginda s.a.w.

Lantaran itu ketika berita kewafatan baginda s.a.w diketahui,mereka tercengang,kebingungan seolah tidak dapat menerima kenyataan. Sayyidina Umar cuba memujuk dirinya dengan berkata baginda menghilang seketika untuk bertemu dengan Allah seperti nabi Musa bertemu Tuhannya. Setelah mendengar bicara dan nasihat sayyidina Abu Bakr"Barang siapa yang menyembah Muhammad..Muhammad telah mati Barang siapa yang menyembah Allah Dialah TUhan yang kekal abadi" lantas Umar rebah ke bumi.

Kewafatan baginda s.a.w memang tidak dijangka oleh para sahabar r.a lantaran senyuman akhir baginda tatkala beliau menguak tirai menyaksikan saf jemaah sahabatnya tersusun rapi untuk menunaikan solat berjemaah.Senyuman murni penuh tulus itu disangka mereka senyuman orang yang beransur sembuh dari sakitnya yang kuat tanpa menyedari senyuman itu merupakan senyuman terakhir yang tidak akan mereka saksikan lagi sampai ke akhir dunia.

Itulah kasih baginda terhadap para sahabatnya dan ummatnya yang terlalu agung. Hingga disaat-saat kematiannya masih berfikir tentang ummatnya tercinta. Saat sakaratulmaut hampir tiba beberapa detik lagi, baginda s.a.w masih sempat tersenyum menatap dan memerhati para sahabatnya tercinta.Masih mampu untuk mengukir senyuman tulus murninya hinggakan senyuman tersebut tak mampu dipadam dari ingatan para sahabat yang menyaksikannya.

Bilal r.a sering menitis airmata tatkala merindui Rasulullah s.a.w. Kerinduannya yang mendalam terhadap baginda s.a.w membuatkannya tak mampu lagi untuk mengalunkan azan setelah kewafatan baginda s.a.w. Itulah kasih para sahabat r.a terhadap baginda s.a.w. Moga kasih kita terhadap junjungan mulia itu juga seagung kasih mereka padanya s.a.w.

Secebis nukilan:dianella Perth

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Titisan Iman

Ketika Rasulullah s.a.w sedang bertawaf di kaabah pada hari pembukaan Mekkah, seorang lelaki bernama fudhalah datang menghampiri baginda. Dia berjalan mendekati Rasulullah s.a.w dengan niat ingin membunuh baginda. Apabila dia datang menghampiri baginda,tiba-tiba Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda"Kamu Fudhalah?"Jawabnya"Ya..saya Fudhalah..wahai Rasulullah,"Kata Rasulullah s.a.w lagi"Apa yang sedang kamu bisikkan dalam hati kamu ya Fudhalah?"Jawabnya"Tiada apa-apa..saya sedang mengingati Allah."Lalu baginda senyum dan berkata"Pohonlah ampun dari Allah.."Kemudian baginda Rasullulah s.a.w meletakkan tangannya ke atas dada Fudhalah,maka tenanglah perasaannya.Fudhalah sendiri menceritakan"..Belumpun sempat Rasulullah s.a.w mengangkat tangannya daripada dadaku,sudah pun terasa padaku tidak ada makhluk Allah yang lebih kukasihi selain darinya"

Maka pulanglah Fudhalah ke rumahnya. Di perjalanan, Fudhalah bertemu dengan seorang wanita yang meminatinya.Wanita itu berkata"Marilah kita berbual." Fudhalah menceritakan peristiwa itu dalam syairnya yang bermaksud:

Dia berkata"Marilah kita berbual" Maka tidak! kata saya,
Kerana Allah dan Islam telah pun melarang saya,
Saya telah melihat Muhammad baru sekejap sebelum ini,
Muhammad dengan kemengannya telah memusnahkan semua patung dan berhala,
Jelaslah agama Allah itu terang dan nyata,
Sedang syirik membawa kegelapan menutup muka.
Sumber:Ibnu Hisyam dalam fiqh al-Sirah:Ramadhan said al-Buti :567

Monday, June 9, 2008

Celoteh anak-anak

Riuh rendah anak-anak kecil bergegas keluar setelah habis kelas tadi. Setengahnya mengunyah cokelat yang dibekalkan guru sehabis belajar,tanpa menghirau parents yang sedang menunggu di luar pagar masjid.Sebahagiannya pula asyik berlari bermain kejar-mengejar walaupun suasana dah makin gelap.

Melihat kelibat Muaz dan Mujahid,aku terus memanggil mereka"Along..adik cepat kita balik..nanti makin gelap ummi tak nampak."Memandu ketika waktu malam memang agak sukar bagiku yang rabun dan silau ini. Disebabkan jalan dari rumah ke madrasah ini dah begitu familiar sangat maka ia taklah menyukarkan sangat. Walaupun begitu aku cukup berhati-hati sebab malang tak berbau..mudah-mudahan Allah selamatkan dari segala perkara yang tak baik.
"Ummi..One old man at the Mosque just now said, if someone listens a lot of music he would turn to dog or it right ummi?"Along bertanya sejurus kereta kami meninggal perkarangan masjid."Sorry along! How come people can turn to animals? "Tiba-tiba si adik bersuara kehairanan."Yeahh..he said that.. if we listen to songs or something like heavy music."along menambah penjelasan tentang kata-kata lelaki yang ditemui dalam masjid tadi.

"Betul along.. kata-kata the old Man tadi betul.. Kalau kita dengar music macam tu banyak sangat maka kita mungkin berubah jadi dog dan monkey."Aku menjawab..along dan adik terdiam.."Tapi bukan berubah fizikal..That doesn't means you will have tail or long ears like monkey's one. Tapi perangai kita akan berubah tak macam orang lagi..we behaved like monkey and dog..Suka terhinjut-hinjut dan lupa Allah."Aku cuba menjelaskan pada mereka berdua."You and monkey tak lupa Allah sebab Allah dah jadi dia macam tu..tapi manusia akan lupa Allah kalau dia bersikap macam monkey dan dog sebab Allah tak jadi dia macam dog dan monkey pada asalnya.""now..I understand why"Along menjawab.."Yess.. Most of the times music buat kita lupa pada Allah, we still can listen it but we have to choose the right song..not the one that makes us bad behaved,lupa Allah dan terkinja-kinja macam monkey tu.."Panjang lebar aku cuba terangkan pada mereka..alhamdulillah..semoga mereka faham..

Kasih ummi buat kalian berdua tak pernah padam:

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sepetang di King's Park

Adik dengan bola footy barunya..dikepitnya ke mana pergi..

Tanpa disedari..usia perkahwinan kita dah melewati 10 tahun..Rasa baru je kita kenal..hehehe..anak-anak dah besar panjang..moga hubungan kita kekal dunia dan akhirat..ameen Sama-sama tembam..hehe..Dah besarkan anak teruna sulung ummi..moga membesar jadi anak soleh dan insan yang berbakti pada agama dan masyarakat..ameen..

Suasana petang yang tenang namun kesejukkan mencengkam tulang...
Bergambar kenangan di King's Park today 7 Jun 2008.
Ermm..sama-sama tembammm..hehe

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Aminah as-Silmi- Peribadimu seindah namamu

Aminah is a renowned female scholar of Islam she travels around the United States to give lectures , her personal story has admired hundreds of individuals ,she is also President of International Union of Muslim Women , the organization that has many achievements under its belt.
"I am so very glad that I am a Muslim. Islam is my life. Islam is the beat of my heart. Islam is the blood that courses through my veins. Islam is my strength. Islam is my life so wonderful and beautiful. Without Islam I am nothing, and should Allah ever turn His magnificent face from me, I could not survive." Aminah

It all started with a computer glitch.
She was a Southern Baptist girl, a radical feminist, and a broadcast journalist. She was a girl with an unusual caliber, who excelled in school, received scholarships, ran her own business, and were competing with professionals and getting awards – all these while she was going to college. Then one day a computer error happened that made her take up a mission as a devout Christian. Eventually, however, it resulted into something opposite and changed her life completely around.
It was 1975 when for the first time computer was used to pre-register for a class in her college. She was working on her degree on Recreation. She pre-registered for a class and then went to Oklahoma City to take care of a business. Her return was delayed and she came back to college two weeks into the class. Making up the missed work was no problem for her, but she was surprised to find that the computer mistakenly registered her for a Theatre class, a class where students would be required to perform in front of others. She was a very reticent girl and she was horrified to think about performing in front of others. She could not drop the class for it was too late
Failing the class was also not a choice, for she was receiving a scholarship that was paying for her tuition and receiving an ‘F’ would have jeopardized it.
Advised by her husband, she went to her teacher to work out some other alternative to performing, such as preparing costumes, etc. Assured by the teacher that he would try to help her, she went to the next class and was shocked by what she saw. The class was full of Arabs and “camel jockeys”. That was enough for her. She came back home and decided not to go back to the class anymore. It was not possible for her to be in the middle of Arabs. “There was no way I was going to sit in a room full of dirty heathens!”
Her husband was calm as usual. He pointed out to her that God has a reason for everything and that she should think about more before quitting. Besides, there was the scholarship that was paying her tuition. She went behind locked doors for 2 days to think about. When she came out, she decided to continue the class. She felt that God gave her a task to convert the Arabs into Christianity.

Thus she found herself with a mission to accomplish. Throughout the class, she would be discussing Christianity with her Arab classmates. “I proceeded to explain to them how they would burn in the fires of hell for all eternity, if they did not accept Jesus as their personal savior. They were very polite, but did not convert. Then, I explained how Jesus loved them and had died on the cross to save them from their sins. All they had to do was accept him into their hearts.” They still did not convert, and so she decided to do something else: “I decided to read their own book to show to them that Islam was a false religion and Mohammed was a false Prophet”.
At her request, one student gave her a copy of the Qur’an and another book on Islam. With these two books she started on her research, which she was to continue for the next one and half years. She read the Qur’an fully and another fifteen books on Islam. Then she came back to the Qur’an and re-read it. During her research, she started taking notes that she found objectionable and which she would be able to use to prove that Islam was a false religion.
Unconsciously, however, she was changing from within which did not escape the attention of her husband. “I was changing, just in little ways but enough to bother him. We used to go to the bar every Friday and Saturday, or to a party, and I no longer wanted to go. I was quieter and more distant.” She stopped drinking and eating pork. Her husband suspected her of having an affair with another man, for “it was only for a man that a woman changes”. Ultimately, she was asked to leave, and she soon found herself living in a separate apartment
"When I first started to study Islam, I did not expect to find anything that I needed or wanted in my personal life. Little did I know that Islam would change my life. No human could have ever convinced me that I would finally be at peace and overflowing with love and joy because of Islam."

Throughout these times, she continued studying Islam and although she was changing subtly from within, she remained a devout Christian. Then one day, there was a knock on her door. It was a man in traditional Muslim robe, who appeared to her as a “man in a long white night gown with a red and white checkered table cloth on his head”. His name was Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheik and he was accompanied by three other men in similar dress. She was very offended by Muslim men coming to her in nightgowns and pajamas. She was further shocked when Abdul-Aziz told her that he understood that she waited to be a Muslim. She replied that she was a Christian and she did not have any plan to become a Muslim. However, she had some questions to ask if they had the time.
At her invitation, they came inside. She now brought up the questions and objections that she noted down while she was researching. “I will never forget his name”, she said of Abdul-Aziz who proved to be a very patient and soft-mannered person. “He was very patient and discussed every question with me. He never made me feel silly or that a question was stupid.” Abdul-Aziz listened to every question and objection and explained it within the proper context. “He explained that Allah had told us to seek knowledge and questions were one of the ways to accomplish that. When he explained something, it was like watching a rose open – petal by petal, until it reached its full glory. When I told him that I did not agree with something and why, he always said I was correct up to a point. Then he would show me how to look deeper and from different directions to reach a fuller understanding.”
It would not be long before she would externally submit to what she had already been submitting to internally during the last one and half years. Later in that same day, this Southern Baptist girl would declare in front of Abdul-Aziz and his companions: “I bear witness that there is no god but God and Mohammed is His Messenger.” It was May 21, 1977.
Conversion to Islam, or to any other religion for that matter, is not always a simple thing to do. Except for a few fortunate ones, a new Muslim usually face consequences. The convert may face isolation from family and friends, if not pressure to go back to the family faith. Sometimes, a convert may even face sever economic hardship, as in the case of those who are asked to leave the house because of converting to Islam. Some converts are fortunate to continue to be well respected by family and friends, but most of them face minor to severe hardship especially during the first few years after the conversion.

But the difficulty that Aminah Assilimi had to go through and the sacrifice that she had to make for the sake of her conviction and faith is almost unheard of. There are few who could rely so much on Allah as she did, standing firm and meeting the challenges, making sacrifices, and yet maintaining a positive posture and influencing people around with the beauty of what she found and believed in.
She lost most of her friends, for she was “no fun anymore”. Her mother did not accept her becoming a Muslim and hoped that it was a temporary zeal and that she would soon grow out of it. Her “mental health expert” sister thought that she lost her mind. She attempted to put her in a mental health institution.
Her father was a calm and wise man. People would come to him for advice and he could comfort anyone in distress. But when he heard that his daughter became a Muslim, he loaded his double-barrel shotgun and started on his way to kill her. “It is better that she be dead rather than suffering in the deepest of Hell”, he said.
She was now without friends and without family.

She soon started wearing hijab. The day she put it on, she was denied her job. She was now without family, friends, and job. But her greatest sacrifice was yet to come.
She and her husband both loved each other very much. But while she was studying Islam, her husband misunderstood her for her apparent changes. She became quieter and stopped going to the bar. Her changes were visible to him and he suspected her of having affair with another man, for whom she must have been changing. She could not explain to him what was happening. “There was no way to make him understand what was changing me because I did not know.” Eventually he asked her to leave and she started living separately.
After she openly accepted Islam, it went worse. A divorce was now inevitable. This was a time when Islam was little known, much less understood for what it is. She had two little children whom she loved dearly and whose custody should have rightfully be given to her. But in a grave violation of justice, she was denied their custody just because she became a Muslim. Before giving the formal verdict, the judge offered her a harsh choice: either renounce Islam and get custody of the children, or keep Islam and leave the children. She was given 20 minutes to make a decision.

She loved her children very dearly. It is perhaps the worst nightmare that a mother can have: asked to willfully leave her child - not for one day, month, or year, but forever. On the other hand, how could she keep the Truth away from her children and live as a hypocrite? “It was the most painful 20 minutes in my life”, she said in an interview. Those of us who are mothers and fathers, especially of young children, little imagination is needed to feel the pain and torment that she must have passed every second in those 20 minutes. What added further to her pain was that according to doctors, she could never bear another child because of certain complications. “I prayed like I had never done before … I knew that there was no safer place for my children to be than in the hands of Allah. If I denied Him, there would be no way in the future to show my children the wonders of being with Allah.”
She decided to retain Islam. Her two dear children – one little boy and one little girl – were taken away from her and given to her ex-husband.

For a mother, is there a sacrifice greater than this – a sacrifice that is done for no material reason but only for faith and conviction?
“I left the court knowing that life without my babies would be very difficult. My heart bled, even though I knew, inside, I had done the right thing” . She found comfort in the following verse of the Qur'an:
There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). (Quran 2: 255)
Perhaps the air of Colorado was too thin for justice. Or perhaps there was a plan in Allah’s greater scheme of affairs. Aminah Assilimi later fought back and took her case to the media. Although she did not get custody of her children again, a change was made in the Colorado law that one cannot be denied child custody on the basis of his or her religion.
Indeed Allah’s love and mercy engulfed her so much that, as if, she has been granted the touchstone of Islam. Wherever she goes, people are touched by her beautiful words and Islamic manners and become Muslim.

By accepting Islam, she became a changed person, and a much better person. So much so that her family, relatives, and people around her started appreciating her mannerism and the faith that brought about such changes in her. Despite her family’s initial reaction, she remained in touch with them and addressed them with respect and humility, just as the Qur’an enjoins the Muslims to do. She would send cards to her parents on different occasions, but she would always write down a verse from the Qur’an or the Hadith without mentioning the source of such beautiful words of wisdom. It was not long before she started making a positive influence among her family members.

The first to become Muslim was her grand mother. She was over 100 years old. Soon after accepting Islam, she died. “The day she pronounced Shahada, all her misdeeds had been erased, while her good deeds were preserved. She died so soon after accepting Islam that I knew her “book” was bound to be heavy on the good side. It fills me with such a joy!”
Next to become Muslim was her father, the one who wanted to kill her after she became Muslim. Thus he brought alive the story of Umar ibn Khattab. Umar was a companion of the Prophet who persecuted the early Muslims before he converted to Islam. When he heard one day that his sister became a Muslim, he went out with an open sword to kill her. But upon hearing some of the verses from the Qur’an that his sister was reciting, he recognized the truth and went straight to the Prophet and accepted Islam.

Two years after she (Assilmi) accepted Islam, her mother called and said that she appreciated her faith and hoped that she would keep it. Couple of years later, she called again and asked her about what one would need to do to become a Muslim. Assilmi replied that one had to believe that there is only One God and Muhammad was his Messenger. “Any fool knows that. But what do you have to do?”, she asked again. She replied that if that is what she believed, then she was already a Muslim! At this, her mother said, “Well … OK. But let’s not tell your father just yet”.
She was not aware that her husband (Assilmi’s step father) had the same conversation with her a few weeks earlier. Thus the two lived together as Muslims for years in secret without knowing that the other was also a Muslim. Her sister who wanted to put her in mental institution accepted Islam as well. She must have realized that becoming Muslim is indeed the most healthy and sound thing to do.
Her son, upon becoming adult, accepted Islam. When he turned 21, he called her and said that he wanted to become a Muslim.

Sixteen years after the divorce, her ex-husband also accepted Islam. He said that he had been watching her for sixteen years and wanted his daughter to have the same religion that she had. He came to her and apologized for what he had done. He was a very nice gentlemen and Assilimi had forgiven him long ago.
Perhaps the greatest reward for her was yet to come. Assilmi later married another person, and despite the doctors’ verdict that she could never conceive another child, Allah blessed her with a beautiful boy. If Allah (swt) makes a gift to someone, who can prevent Him? It was truly a wonderful blessing from Allah (swt), and so she named him “Barakah
The sacrifice that Assilmi made for the sake of Allah (swt) was tremendous. And so Allah (swt) turned in mercy to her and rewarded her with enormous blessings. Her family discarded her after she accepted Islam, and now by Allah’s mercy, most of them are Muslim. She lost her friends because of Islam, and now she is being loved by so many. “Friends who loved came out of nowhere”, she said. Allah’s blessings came upon her so much that wherever she goes people are touched by the beauty of Islam and accept the Truth. Both Muslims and non-Muslims now come to her for advice and counseling.

She lost her job because of wearing hijab, and now she is the President of the International Union of Muslim Women. She delivers lectures nationwide and is on high demand. It was her organization that successfully lobbied for the “Eid Stamp” and had it approved by the United States Postal Service, but it took many years of work. She is now working on making the Eid Day as a national holiday.
She has tremendous trust on Allah’s love and mercy and she never looses faith on Him. She was once diagnosed with cancer some years ago. Doctors said that it was in an advanced stage and that she would live for another year. But her faith in Allah (swt) remained strong. “We must all die. I was confident that the pain I was experiencing contained blessings.” As a brilliant example of how much one can love Allah, she mentions about a friend of her named Kareem Al-Misawi who died of cancer when he was in his 20’s:
"Shortly before he died, he told me that Allah was truly Merciful. This man was in unbelievable anguish and was radiating with Allah’s love. He said: “Allah intends that I should enter heaven with a clean book.” His death experience gave me something to think about. He taught me of Allah’s love and mercy."

All praise is due to Allah, she continues to live in good health. She now thinks that having cancer was the greatest blessing that she ever had.

(Copied from:

Monday, June 2, 2008

Inzar (peringatan)

(Along,adik,syakir dan khali Ya di Murdoch Hall tika menghadiri lecture Ustaz haji Rosli-mantan Imam Masjid Negara- bertajuk Penyucian Jiwa dan Hati)
Ketahuilah! kamu dapat melihat bagaimana ilmu yang ada di kepala seorang yang mengikut hawa nafsu menjadi senjata yang mematikan dan menghancurkan syari'at. Ketahuilah juga! kamu dapat melihat bagaimana mereka menjadi seperti anjing yang menghulurkan lidahnya,disebabkan kerana tamak yang tidak mengetahui rasa cukup dan kenyang-Dr. Ramadhan Said al-Buti:432: Syarh al-hikm al-'Ataiyyah.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


"Seronok juga lecture yang disampaikan oleh ustaz tak?"Aku bersuara sambil menjamah makanan. Berada di sebelahku tika itu Atikah dan Nabiki. "Emm,saya tak pernah dengar nama dia kat Malaysia" Atikah memberi respon."Betul..Kak Tie pun tak pernah tahu dia tu bekas Imam Masjid Negara" Sememangnya.. nama Ustaz Haji Ahmad Rosli tak pernah ku kenali sebelum ini."Kalau Ustaz Firdaus saya kenallah."tambah Nabiki lagi."Ustaz firdaus yang mana?ke..ajk pemuda UMNO tu ke?"Aku bertanya sekadar untuk mengenalpasti."saya tak tahu dia terlibat ke tak dalam politik..tapi yang muda-muda tu,ala-ala china sikit mukanya tu dan pakai kaca mata." Nabiki cuba described Ustaz Firdaus yang dimaksudkannyaki ."Ooo..kalau yang itu..betullah ajk pemuda UMNO sekarang ni dia..hehe" aku menambah lagi."Saya bukan suka campur politik ni kak Tie..Bagi saya Rasulullah berjuang bukan dengan menyertai politik. Dia tak pernah terima pelawaan menjadi pemimpin oleh kafir Quraish ketika permulaan Islam."Nabiki memberi alasannya yang tersendiri."."Betul rasulullah tak terima pelawaan kafir Quraish.. sebab apa?sebab syaratnya Rasulullah tidak boleh lagi nak berdakwah dan menyampaikan agama tauhid.Tapi Rasulullah juga menjadi ketua negara Islam di Madinah.Rasulullah sebagai pemimpin No 1 berupaya menjadi ketua negara yang terulung tanpa tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat ketat manusia." "Bagi Kak tie..caknanya kita pada politik tanahair bererti kita sayang pada masyarakat dan negara kita, kalau kita tak ambil peduli bererti kita tak ambil peduli juga terhadap nasib agama,masyarakat dan negara" Nabiki diam..mungkin masih keliru macammana persoalan politik itu berkait dengan agama,masyarakat dan negara."Betul ke Kak Tie..orang yang bertanggungjawab melantik pemimpin yang zalim akan disoal pada hari akhirat?"Dia bertanya"Betul ..Nanti bila orang-orang ini ditimpa azab, dia mintak agar Allah gandakan lagi azab untuk pemimpin mereka,jadi ini bermakna perkara ini ada dalam perkiraan Allah"Sedaya mungkin aku cuba untuk memahamkan Nabiki." Nabiki terfikir tak..Islam ini satu agama yang Syumul sedang persoalan politik satu perkara yang penting,takkanlah persoalan sepenting itu Islam tidak bincangkan." aku menambah lagi"Saya tak suka politik sebab saya tengok macam-macam perkara buruk yang berlaku. Korupsi,rasuah macam-macam lagilah,bagi saya politik itu kotor."Nabiki memberi sebab lagi."Betul Nabiki..manusia menggunakan kesempatan berpolitik untuk mencari nama,harta dan kedudukan,sedangkan dalam Islam berpolitik itu satu tanggungjawab dan amanah bagi individu yang terlibat.Pemimpin yang adil termasuk salah satu dari golongan yang akan berada di bawah naungan arash Allah di padang Mahsyar kelak. Lihat..betapa besarnya ganjaran pemimpin yang bertaqwa.So sekarang hasrat kita mahukan pemimpin yang bertaqwa agar mereka boleh menjaga agama,masyarakat dan negara." Bukan senang nak faham konsep politik dalam Islam. Aku dulu pun macam Nabiki. Walaupun dikelilingi dengan orang-orang yang memungkinkan aku faham..tapi sejujurnya sedikit sebanyak ideologi politik ciptaan manusia yang tak jujur dan suasana masyarakat di negara sendiri banyak mengelirukan aku."Persoalannya nabiki..sejauhmana kita faham konsep politik atau siyasah dalam Islam..cubalah Nabiki baca buku-buku tulisan ulama yang diiktiraf oleh majoriti ummat Islam dunia seperti dr al-Qardhawi, dr Wahbah. dr Said Ramadhan Buti, dr Mustafa al-sibaa'i dan lain-lain,buku-buku ni banyak yang diterjemah ke dalam bahasa melayu, contohnya fiqh al-daulah dan masyarakat Muslim yang kita idam-idamkan."aku cuba memberi jalan kepada Nabiki untuk memahami perkara tersebut dengan lebih mendalam.Bagi aku bukan senang untuk membuatkan seseorang faham kinsep ini.Lebih-lebih lagi berbagai konsep politik telah diketengahkan ditambah pula perlaksanaan yang tidak menepati Islam. Namun semoga berbaliknya kita kepada sumber yang benar dan berpandukan kepada suluhan para ulama yang tidak dinafikan kredibilitinya boleh memimpin kita untuk memahaminya sebaik mungkin."Emmm..Nampaknya kak Tie kena jadikan Fiqh al-Daulah sebagai teks usrah kita nih.." saran Nabiki." Apa-apa pun Nabiki cubalah baca dulu buku tu..baca tau.."Aku berkata kepadanya sebelum kami beredar untuk pulang malam tadi. Bukan aku tak mahu bawa buku tersebut dalam usrah..tapi biarlah secara perlahan. semoga Allah memberi kefahaman yang sebenar kepadaku,Nabiki dan adik-adik yang lain dalam isu yang seberat dan amat sensitif ini.

Kak TIe
Musolla Curtin University.